Selenium Testing / Automation Testing Training

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4627 Reviews 4.9

Learners : 1080

Duration :  25 Days

About Course

One of the best automation testing tools is our Selenium software testing framework for web applications. It is incredibly helpful to developers. It is appropriate for novice programmers, beginning programmers, and even Java developers. Enrol today to earn your certification.

Selenium Training Course Syllabus


✔ What is automation testing?
✔ What is the use of automation testing?
✔ What do we need to Automate?
✔ What is Selenium?
✔ Advantages of Selenium

Different flavors’ in Selenium

✔ Selenium RC
✔ Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 3.0
✔ Selenium-Grid

Java Introduction

✔ Features of Java
✔ Installing Eclipse
✔ Project creation in eclipse
✔ Packages
✔ First java program
✔ Data types & Variable
✔ Operators
✔ Control Statements

✔ IF Statement
✔ Switch Statement
✔ While Loop
✔ Do While Loop
✔ For Loop
✔ For each Loop

✔ Arrays
✔ Strings
✔ Methods

Object-Oriented Programming in Testing Tools

✔ Introduction
✔ Class
✔ Object
✔ Inheritance
✔ Polymorphism
✔ Encapsulation
✔ Abstraction
✔ Interfaces
✔ Packages

Selenium Web Driver

✔ Architecture of selenium web driver
✔ Downloading web driver Jars configuring in eclipse
✔ Drivers for Firefox, IE, and Chrome
✔ First Program in Web driver
✔ Execution and Debugging
✔ Locators
✔ Web Element Commands
✔ Working with Textbox
✔ Working with Radio buttons
✔ Working with check box
✔ Working with dropdowns
✔ Browser Commands
✔ Navigation Commands
✔ Working with Alerts – windows and web
✔ Working with Wait & Implicit Wait
✔ Reading data from Property files
✔ Working with Excel
✔ Implementing Assertions
✔ Working with multiple browsers
✔ Capturing Screenshots
✔ Handling Frames
✔ Keyboard and mouse operations using Actions class
✔ Writing X-path dynamically
✔ Automation Frameworks (Modular, Data-Driven, Keyword Driven)
✔ Developing WebDriver scripts using Junit &Test NG Frameworks
✔ Page Object Model (POM)
✔ Maven & Jenkins Integration with Selenium

Selenium Grid

✔ Introduction to Grid 2

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Certification Oriented content
Hands-On complete Real-time training
Get a certificate on course completion
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Selenium Training - Upcoming Batches

7th NOV 2022



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5th NOV 2022



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  • Instructor-led training, Real-time projects
  • Certification Guidance.

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  • Complete set of live-online training sessions recorded videos.
  • Learn technology at your own pace.
  • Get access for lifetime.

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  • Learn As A Full Day Schedule With Discussions, Exercises,
  • Practical Use Cases
  • Design Your Own Syllabus Based
For Business

Selenium Training FAQ'S

What is Automation?

Automation is a robust test automation suite that is used for automating web-based applications. It supports multiple browsers, programming languages, and platforms.

What are the different forms of Automation?
  • Automation WebDriver – S-elenium WebDriver is used to automate web applications by directly calling the browser’s native methods.
  • The S-elenium IDE Plugin – S-elenium IDE is an open-source test automation tool that works on record and playback principles.
  • S-elenium RC component – S-elenium Remote Control(RC) is officially deprecated by Selenium and it used to work using javascript to automate the web applications.
  • Selenium Grid – Allows Selenium tests to run in parallel across multiple machines.

Get ahead in your career by learning S-elenium through VISWA Online Trainings

What are some advantages of Automation?
  • S-elenium is open source and free to use without any licensing cost.
  • It supports multiple languages like Java, Ruby, Python, etc.
  • S-elenium supports multi-browser testing.
  • It has vast resources and helps the community over the internet.
  • Using the Selenium IDE component, non-programmers can also write automation scripts.
  • Using the Selenium Grid component, distributed testing can be carried out on remote machines.
What are some limitations of Automation?
  • We cannot test desktop applications using S-elenium.
  • We cannot test web services using S-elenium.
  • For creating robust scripts in S-elenium Webdriver, programming language knowledge is required.
  • Also, we have to rely on external libraries and tools for performing tasks like – logging(log4J), testing framework-(TestNG, JUnit), reading from external files(POI for excels), etc.
Which browsers/drivers are supported by Automation Webdriver?
  • Google Chrome – ChromeDriver
  • Firefox – FireFoxDriver
  • Internet Explorer – InternetExplorerDriver
  • Safari – SafariDriver
  • HtmlUnit (Headless browser) – HtmlUnitDriver
  • Android – Selendroid/Appium
  • IOS – ios-driver/Appium


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