TypeScript Certification Online Training

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4627 Reviews 4.9

Learners : 1080

Duration:  30 Days

About Course

TypeScript is an open-source, object-oriented language developed and maintained by Microsoft, licensed under Apache 2 license. TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding data types, classes, and other object-oriented features with type-checking. It is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

TypeScript Training Course Syllabus

  • Introducing Type Script
  • Defining “JavaScript”
  • Writing your first TypeScript function
  • Configuring Your Environment
  • Choosing your TypeScript editor
  • Installing Type Script
  • Creating a Type Script project
ES6 Language Features
  • Reviewing ES6 language features
  • Default parameters
  • Template strings
  • Let and const
  • For…of loops
  • Lambdas
  • Destructuring
  • The spread operator
  • Computed properties
Type Fundamentals
  • Introducing JavaScript types
  • Understanding type inference
  • Specifying JavaScript types
  • Specifying function parameter types
  • Adding function overloads
Custom Types
  • Defining custom types with interfaces
  • Using interfaces to describe functions
  • Extending interface definitions
  • Defining constant values with enums
  • Defining anonymous types
  • Understanding prototypical inheritance
  • Defining a class
  • Applying static properties
  • Making properties smarter with accessors
  • Inheriting behavior from a base class
  • Implementing an abstract class
  • Controlling visibility with access modifiers
  • Implementing interfaces
  • Introducing generics
  • Creating generic classes
  • Applying generic
  • constraints
  • Understanding the need for modules in JavaScript
  • Organizing your code with namespaces
  • Using namespaces to encapsulate private members
  • Understanding the difference between internal and external modules
  • Switching from internal to external modules
  • Importing modules using CommonJS syntax
  • Importing modules using ECMAScript 2015 syntax
  • Loading external modules
Real-World Application Development
  • Introducing the sample JavaScript application
  • Converting existing JavaScript code to TypeScript
  • Generating declaration files
  • Referencing third-party libraries
  • Converting to external modules
  • Debugging TypeScript with source maps
  • Implementing method decorators
  • Implementing class decorators
  • Implementing property decorators
  • Implementing decorator factories
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TypeScript Training FAQ'S

Explain TypeScript and its use?

Microsoft created and maintains Type Script, an open-source programming language that is a statically typed superset of JavaScript. Type annotations and interfaces are added to JavaScript to let developers detect mistakes during compilation instead of at runtime, resulting in code that is safer and more effective.

Because of Type Script’s great scalability, big applications with features like abstract classes, decorators, and namespaces may be developed. Its smooth interaction with contemporary frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js and the Java Script ecosystem is one of its greatest advantages, making it a vital tool for any developer trying to build reliable and maintainable online apps.

By learning through VISWA Online Trainings, advance in your job.

How is TypeScript different from JavaScript?
1It was developed by Netscape in 1995.It was developed by Anders Hejlsberg in 2012.
2JavaScript source file is in “.js” extension.TypeScript source file is in “.ts” extension.
3JavaScript doesn’t support ES6.TypeScript supports ES6.
4It doesn’t support strongly typed or static typing.It supports strongly typed or static typing features.
5It is just a scripting language.It supports object-oriented programming concepts like classes, interfaces, inheritance, generics, etc.
6JavaScript has no optional parameter feature.TypeScript has optional parameter feature.
7It is interpreted language that’s why it highlighted the errors at runtime.It compiles the code and highlighted errors during the development time.
8JavaScript doesn’t support modules.TypeScript gives support for modules.
9In this, number, and string are the objects.In this, number, string are the interface.
10JavaScript doesn’t support generics.TypeScript supports generics.
Why do we need TypeScript?
  • Most importantly, TypeScript is quick to learn and straightforward to use.
  • Features of object-oriented programming, like classes, interfaces, inheritance, generics, etc., are supported by TypeScript.
  • Error-checking is provided during compilation by TypeScript. Before the script runs, it will compile the code and, if any mistakes are discovered, indicate them.
  • Since TypeScript is the superset of JavaScript, it supports all JavaScript libraries.
  • TypeScript uses inheritance to facilitate reusability.
  • Because of TypeScript’s tooling support, we can develop apps more quickly and easily and have access to source documentation, autocompletion, and type verification.
  • The most recent JavaScript features, such as ECMAScript 2015, are supported by TypeScript.
  • All of ES6’s advantages are enhanced with TypeScript’s increased productivity.
  • Strong typing, Modules, Optional Parameters, Static typing, and more are supported by TypeScript.
List some features of Typescript?

What are the different components of TypeScript?


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