Ab Initio Certification Training

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4627 Reviews 4.9

Learners : 1080

Duration :  30 Days

About Course

Ab Initio means “starts from the beginning”. Ab-Initio program works with the client-server model. The client is referred to as a “Graphical development environment” (GDE). The server is called Co-Operating System”. The Co-working system can dwell on a mainframe or UNIX machine. The Ab-Initio code is referred to as graph, which has received .mp extension. The graph from GDE is required to be deployed in corresponding. Ksh version. In a Co-operating approach the corresponding. Enroll now and get certified in it.

Ab Initio Training Course Syllabus

Unix Basics:

✔ Unix Architecture
✔ Unix basic commands

✔ ls, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, cat, find, sed, awk, grep, egrep, ps, top, head, tail, gzip, gunzip, chmod, vi editor commands, more, nohup

Datawarehousing Basics:

✔ Overview of Datawarehousing
✔ Difference between OLTP & OLAP
✔ Dimension table
✔ Fact table
✔ Star schemas
✔ Snowflake schemas
✔ Datamart
✔ Galaxy Schemas
✔ Confirmed dimension tables
✔ Degenerate dimension tables
✔ Junk dimension tables
✔ Factless fact tables
✔ Slowly changing dimensions (SCD)

Ab Initio Basics:

✔ Overview of AbInitio features
✔ Ab Initio Architecture
✔ Anatomy of a Job execution
✔ GDE overview
✔ GDE to Host profile creation
✔ About Datasets, Tables
✔ Building and execution of the graph

Sort Components:

✔ Sort
✔ Sort within groups
✔ Partition by key and sort

Transform Components:

✔ Reformat
✔ Join
✔ Rollup
✔ Scan
✔ Normalize
✔ Fuse
✔ Scan with Rollup
✔ Dedup Sorted
✔ Filter by Expression
✔ Multi Reformat

Basic concepts – Primary:

✔ Project structure
✔ Sandbox structure
✔ Sandbox parameters
✔ Data directories creation
✔ Abinitiorc file
✔ Sandbox setup
✔ Private projects
✔ Public projects
✔ Difference between Private and public projects
✔ Check-in through GDE
✔ Check-out through GDE
✔ Check-in through command level
✔ Check-out through command level

Basic concepts – Secondary:

✔ Multi files
✔ Layout
✔ Parallelism Techniques

✔ Pipeline Parallelism
✔ Component Parallelism
✔ Data Parallelism

✔ Phases and checkpoints
✔ Rollback Recovery mechanism

Dataset Components:

✔ Input file
✔ Output file
✔ Intermediate file
✔ Read excel
✔ Write excel
✔ Lookup Template

Database Components:

✔ Input Table
✔ Output Table
✔ Update Table
✔ Run SQL
✔ Truncate table
✔ Join with DB
✔ Call stored procedure


✔ Overview of Lookups
✔ Static Lookups
✔ Dynamic lookups
✔ lookup() function
✔ lookup_local() function
✔ lookup_count() function
✔ lookup_next() function
✔ lookup_add() function

Partitioning Components:

✔ Partition by key
✔ Partition by Round Robin
✔ Partition by expression
✔ Partition by percentages
✔ Partition with load balance
✔ Broadcast

Departitioning Components:

✔ Gather
✔ Interleave
✔ Merge
✔ Concatenate

Compress & FTP Components:

✔ Compress
✔ Decompress
✔ Deflate
✔ Inflate
✔ ftp from
✔ ftp to

Validate Components:

✔ Validate
✔ Check order
✔ Generate records
✔ Create data
✔ Compute checksum
✔ Compare checksum
✔ Compare records

Miscellaneous components:

✔ Replicate
✔ Gather logs
✔ Redefine format
✔ Run program


✔ Air commands
✔ Tagging commands


✔ SCD type-1 implementation
✔ SCD type-2 implementation

AbInitio Advanced Topics:

✔ User-defined sandbox level parameters
✔ Parameters Introduction and interpretation
✔ Graph level parameters
✔ Generic graphs
✔ Psets
✔ Plans
✔ Conditional Components
✔ Optimization Techniques
✔ Metaprogramming
✔ Debugging Techniques
✔ End to End SDLC flow
✔ DBC file creation and generalizing to various environments

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Certification Oriented content
Hands-On complete Real-time training
Get a certificate on course completion
Flexible Schedules
Live Recorded Videos Access
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Ab Initio Training - Upcoming Batches

7th NOV 2022



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5th NOV 2022



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Ab Initio Training FAQ'S

Mention what is Abinitio?

The Latin word “Abinitio” means “from the beginning.” A tool for extracting, transforming, and loading data is called Abinitio. Additionally, it is utilised for batch processing, parallel processing using a graphical user interface, data analysis, and data manipulation.

Explain what is the architecture of Abinitio?

The architecture of Abinitio includes

  • GDE (Graphical Development Environment)
  • Co-operating System
    Enterprise meta-environment (EME)
  • Conduct-IT

Get ahead in your career by learning Ab Intio through VISWA Online Trainings

Mention what is the role of Co-operating system in Abinitio?

The Abinitio cooperating system provide features like

  • Manage and run Abinitio graph and control the ETL processes
  • Provide Ab initio extensions to the operating system
  • ETL processes monitoring and debugging
  • Meta-data management and interaction with the EME
Explain what does dependency analysis mean in Abinitio?

In Ab initio, dependency analysis is a process through which the EME examines a project entirely and traces how data is transferred and transformed- from component to component, field-by-field, within and between graphs.

Mention how can you connect EME to Abinitio Server?

To connect with Ab initio Server, there are several ways like

  • Login to EME web interface- http://serverhost:[serverport]/abinitio
  • Through GDE, you can connect to EME data-store
  • Through air-command
