Advanced JAVA Online Training

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4627 Reviews 4.9

Learners : 1080

Duration:  30 Days

About Course

In order to create web-based, network-centric, or enterprise applications, we use advanced Java technology. It incorporates ideas like Servlet, JSP, RMI, JDBC, and socket programming, among others. It is a focus on a particular field. The majority of applications created using advanced Java have a two-tier architecture, which consists of a client and a server. All server-based apps can be categorized as advanced Java applications. Enroll right away to get certified.

Advanced JAVA Training Course Syllabus

ADVANCED JAVA (J2EE) (Web-Server & support Technologies)

✔ Introduction to JDBC
✔ JDBC architecture
✔ java.sql Package
✔ Connection, Statement, ResultSet
✔ Prepared Statement
✔ Callable Statement
✔ Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet
✔ Batch Updates
✔ ResultSetMetaData
✔ Simple Transaction Management
✔ Four Levels of JDBC drivers, their pros & cons
✔ Features of JDBC 3.0

Servlets 3.0

✔ Introduction
✔ Web application Architecture
✔ Web Server & Containers
✔ HTTP Protocol
✔ Web application development
✔ Understanding Servlet api
✔ Html-Servlet Communication
✔ Servlet Life Cycle
✔ Deployment of webapplia/tion in different servers
✔ Servlet to DB s/w communication
✔ Servlet to Servlet Communcation
✔ SessionTracking
✔ Servlet Filters & wrappers
✔ Servlet Listeners
✔ Annotations-based servlet programming
✔ Web-Security


✔ Introduction to JSP
✔ JSP Life Cycle
✔ Creating dynamic Web content with JSP
✔ Scripting elements
✔ Declaration
✔ Expression
✔ XML syntax for JSP elements
✔ JSP directives page, include and taglib
✔ JSP implicit objects
✔ JSP scopes
✔ Include and forward mechanism
✔ Using a Java bean in a jsp
✔ JSP Model 1 architecture
✔ JSP Model 2 (MVC) architecture
✔ Custom Tag Development
✔ Classic Tags, Simple Tags
✔ Error Handling in a jsp
✔ Expression Language
✔ Processing XML in a JSP


✔ MyEclipse
✔ NetBeanson




✔ Oracle
✔ My SQL

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  • Instructor-led training, Real-time projects
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  • Complete set of live-online training sessions recorded videos.
  • Learn technology at your own pace.
  • Get access for lifetime.

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  • Learn As A Full Day Schedule With Discussions, Exercises,
  • Practical Use Cases
  • Design Your Own Syllabus Based
For Business

Advanced JAVA Training FAQ'S

What is the use of garbage collection in Advanced JAVA?

In Advanced Java, trash collection is used to identify and get rid of things that are no longer needed by a program and are wasting resources that could be released and utilized by other objects. When a Java program that uses the object can no longer access it, the object is subject to trash collections.

What are Lambda Expressions In Advanced JAVA?

A new feature of Java 8 is lambda expressions, sometimes known as lambdas. They give programmers a simpler way to work with interfaces that only have one method, and they are frequently utilized in scenarios where anonymous classes are used.
When all we care about is printing any sentence, there are occasions when we need to write multiple lines in order to fulfill our goals. We may accomplish that in a single line by utilizing a Lambda expression. Consequently, lowering the number of code lines will increase program efficiency.

What do you understand by thread in Advanced Java?

A thread is a single sequential flow of control inside of a process, and there can be two or more “threads” within a process. The java. lang package in Advanced Java creates and manages threads. thread type.

In the Java programming language, each process (or application) comprises at least one thread, also referred to as the main thread. The process may also have many threads to handle various duties, such as memory management and 1/0, depending on the requirements of the programmers.

What is the syntax to read and write data from a Buffer?

The syntax for reading data from a Buffer:

  1. int datobject =;   

The syntax for writing data from a Buffer:

  1. int datobject = inChannel.write(buff);  
When and how a deadlock occurs in any program?

A deadlock occurs when two or more threads are blocked on locks and every thread that’s blocked is holding a lock that another block thread wants. For example, thread 1 is holding lock 1 and waiting to acquire lock 2 but thread 2 is holding lock 2 and waiting to acquire lock 1. It creates a situation where all the threads holding the locks are blocked therefore it will never release the locks they’re holding and so none of the waiting threads will actually ever run.

By learning Advanced JAVA through VISWA Online Trainings, advance in your job.


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